Fritz C. Holte


Fritz C. Holte

["Ways out of international market liberalism"]  

Fritz C. Holte (b. 1925) was from 1954-1990 professor in economics at what is now called Norwegian University for Life Sciences (Universitetet for miljø og biovitenskap).

In the same period he was member of several public commissions, had assignments for the Ministry of Finance, and was visiting professor in Sweden and the Unites States.

From 1990 he has mainly worked with the problems he discusses in his book Another World is Possible (En annen verden er mulig) from 2001. He has published several scientific articles, textbooks for colleges and universities, and previously three books where he deals with problems of the kind discussed in (his) Another World is Possible.

The last years he has had a home page on the Internet,, where he comments on current economic problems (mainly in Norwegian).

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